15 Reasons to Turn Your Shopify Store into Mobile App in 2024

15 reasons to turn your shopify store into a mobile app

Let’s face it, Shopify store owner, the mobile world has bitten us. We’re all glued to our phones, scrolling endlessly, and guess what we’re doing a lot of? Shopping! But is your store capitalizing on this mobile goldmine?  Think about it: are you offering the smoothest possible experience for those thumbs flying across the screen? If not, turn your Shopify store into mobile app. This is your secret weapon.

With so much information available, you might wonder: What exactly makes a mobile app crucial for your Shopify store in 2024?

Here, we delve into 15 compelling reasons why leaping to create a mobile app is a strategic decision that can revolutionize your customer experience, boost sales, and build lasting brand loyalty:

15 reasons to turn your Shopify store into a mobile app

Let’s explore how a mobile app can revolutionize your Shopify store! But before that, let’s see a real world example of how a mobile app can make a difference while shopping

Real-world example

Imagine a customer browsing social media and stumbles upon an ad for your eye-catching phone case. They click the link, eager to learn more.

Imagine a customer browsing social media and stumbles upon an ad for your eye-catching phone case. They click the link, eager to learn more.

Scenario 1: 

Mobile Website: The website takes a while to load. The customer has to zoom in to see the case details and struggles to find the “Add to Cart” button. Frustration sets in, and they abandon the purchase altogether.

Scenario 2: 

Mobile App: The app loads instantly. High-quality images showcase the phone case from all angles. The customer can easily add the case to their cart with a single tap and proceed to checkout using their saved login information. The entire process is quick and painless, leading to a successful purchase.

That’s the power of a mobile app.

1. Convenience is King (and Queen)

Imagine browsing your favorite stores in your pajamas at 3 am. That’s the power of a mobile app.  Unlike websites that require a computer or specific browser, an app puts your store directly in their pocket, accessible anytime, anywhere.

Emarker studies show that mobile users spend 88% more time on mobile apps and 12% on mobile websites.

Think of the convenience revolution Amazon brought with their app – they weren’t the first online retailer, but their app made shopping effortless.  Can your Shopify store compete with that kind of ease?

2. Boost sales and conversion rates

boost sales and conversionsStudies consistently show that app users convert at significantly higher rates than mobile browser shoppers. There are several reasons for this.


First, the app experience is often more streamlined and user-friendly, leading to faster purchases.


Second, push notifications can gently remind customers about abandoned carts or introduce them to new offers, keeping them engaged with your brand.


Finally, loyalty programs integrated within the app incentivize repeat purchases and build stronger customer relationships. All of this translates to a significant boost in your sales potential.

3. Target the mobile-first generation

Millennials and Gen Z practically live on their phones. They expect a seamless and intuitive app experience when shopping.

Don’t miss out on connecting with this tech-savvy demographic by clinging to a mobile website. By offering a well-designed app, you’re meeting them where they are, establishing your brand as relevant and forward-thinking in their eyes.

Remember, catering to the mobile-first generation is crucial for long-term success –  be where they are and reap the rewards!

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4. Push notifications: Your secret sales weapon

push notifications


Gone are the days of relying solely on email marketing. Push notifications are a powerful tool exclusive to apps, allowing you to send targeted messages directly to your customers’ phones.


Imagine gently reminding them about abandoned carts with an exclusive discount or sending out flash sales notifications to create a sense of urgency.


This personalized approach keeps your brand at the forefront of their minds and drives sales in real-time.

5. Loyalty programs that drive repeat business

Reward your best customers and foster brand loyalty with a robust app-based loyalty program.  Think points systems, exclusive app-only offers, and early access to new products.

Imagine replicating the success of Starbucks’ app, where every purchase earns points towards rewards, practically incentivizing daily visits for that coveted free coffee.

By implementing a rewarding loyalty program within your app, you’re not just encouraging repeat business; you’re building a community of loyal brand advocates.

6. Become a brand powerhouse

A well-designed and user-friendly mobile app can elevate your brand perception from a simple online store to a major player in the e-commerce landscape. It demonstrates your commitment to providing a superior customer experience and staying ahead of the curve.

Think of the high-end fashion brands with stunning and intuitive apps. These apps function as digital flagship stores, offering a curated and immersive brand experience. By investing in a top-notch app, you’re sending a clear message: your brand is here to stay, and you prioritize a seamless customer journey.

7. Unlock valuable customer insights

customer insightsUnlike traditional websites, mobile apps offer valuable customer data.  App analytics track user behavior in a much more detailed way, revealing what products they browse, how they navigate the app, and even where they drop off in the purchase funnel.


This goldmine of data empowers you to personalize the shopping experience for each customer.  Imagine having a crystal ball showing exactly what your customers want and how they interact with your brand.


Mobile app analytics provide a wealth of data that traditional website analytics simply cannot match.  Track key metrics like app downloads, user engagement, product browsing behavior, and purchase trends.  Imagine having a real-time roadmap that reveals exactly how customers interact with your app and what products pique their interest.

By leveraging this data, you can optimize your app layout, personalize the shopping experience, and target marketing campaigns with laser focus.  This data-driven approach empowers you to make informed decisions that maximize sales and customer satisfaction.

By leveraging app analytics, you can tailor your marketing campaigns, product recommendations, and overall app experience to maximize customer satisfaction and conversions.

8. Social media integration made easy

social media integrationSocial media is a powerful marketing tool, and a well-designed app can seamlessly integrate it into the shopping experience. Imagine allowing customers to share products directly to their social media platforms with a single tap.


This effortless sharing fosters organic brand promotion, turning your customers into brand ambassadors.  Furthermore, social login options within the app eliminate the need for creating new accounts, streamlining the sign-up process and encouraging impulse purchases.


By integrating social media into your app, you’re leveraging the power of word-of-mouth marketing and creating a social buzz around your brand.

9. Setup product recommendations

Imagine personalized suggestions whispering in your customer’s ear. Smart recommendations leverage purchase history, browsing behavior, and real-time trends to suggest hyper-relevant products.

This translates to increased conversions with cross-selling and upselling, capitalizing on real-time trends for impulse buys, and uncovering hidden gems for boosted discovery. It’s a win-win for a delightful shopping experience and increased sales.

Here are some additional ways smart recommendations can boost your business:

  • Cross-selling and Upselling Made Easy:  A customer who just bought a new phone might see recommendations for a screen protector, a stylish case, or even a pair of wireless earbuds. This effortless upselling and cross-selling strategy increases average order value and boosts your bottom line.
  • Fueling Impulse Purchases:  The app can capitalize on real-time trends by highlighting hot-selling items or limited-edition releases.  Imagine a customer browsing the app and seeing a notification that a particular sneaker they’ve been eyeing is selling out fast.  This sense of urgency can trigger impulse purchases and drive sales for high-demand products.
  • Uncovering Hidden Gems:  Smart recommendations can also help customers discover products they might not have found otherwise.  Let’s say a customer has a particular interest in a specific brand of organic beauty products.  The app, analyzing their browsing behavior, might recommend lesser-known products from the same brand that perfectly suit their preferences.  This helps you showcase the full breadth of your catalog and expose customers to new favorites.

Smart product recommendations are not just about suggesting products – they’re about creating a personalized shopping journey that fosters customer satisfaction and drives sales.  By leveraging this powerful feature, you can transform your mobile app into a revenue-generating powerhouse.

10. Turn browsing into an interactive experience

The key to a successful app is keeping users engaged.  Go beyond static product listings and explore interactive features that transform browsing into a fun and immersive experience.

Think live chat options for instant customer support, personalized product recommendations based on browsing history, or gamification elements like loyalty points or badges for completing purchases.  Imagine incorporating a virtual try-on feature for clothing or furniture, similar to Sephora’s virtual lipstick try-on.

By adding interactive elements, you’re not just showcasing products; you’re creating a captivating experience that keeps customers returning for more.

11. Frictionless checkout for speedy purchases

mobile app checkoutIn the fast-paced world of online shopping, every second counts.  A clunky checkout process can lead to cart abandonment and lost sales.


Imagine a potential customer who clicks on your Instagram ad, excited to explore your product. But a slow-loading mobile website throws them into a waiting game. Frustration sets in, and their purchase intent vanishes faster than a disappearing story.


A well-designed mobile app streamlines the checkout experience, offering features like saved payment information, one-click purchases, and guest checkout options.

Imagine a checkout process that feels as smooth and effortless as using your favorite ride-hailing app.  By optimizing the checkout flow within your app, you’re removing friction points and encouraging customers to complete their purchases quickly and conveniently.

12. Build relationships, not just transactions

Mobile apps offer a powerful communication channel that goes beyond just sales notifications.  Push notifications can be used to nurture customer relationships and build brand loyalty.

Imagine sending personalized birthday greetings, offering exclusive app-only discounts, or running fun contests to engage your audience. Furthermore, in-app chat features allow real-time customer support, fostering trust and creating a positive brand experience.

By prioritizing communication and relationship building, you’re transforming your app from a mere sales platform into a vibrant community hub for your customers.

Offering exceptional customer support is essential for building trust and retaining customers. A well-designed mobile app can integrate seamless customer support options.  Incorporate a robust FAQ section within the app to answer common questions, or offer live chat support for real-time assistance.

By providing multiple avenues for customer support within the app, you’re demonstrating your commitment to customer satisfaction and fostering positive brand experiences.

13. Augmented Reality (AR) Integrations

AR IntegrationsThe world of AR is rapidly evolving, and forward-thinking apps are incorporating it to enhance the shopping experience. Imagine allowing customers to virtually “try on” clothes or furniture in their homes using their phone’s camera.


This innovative feature removes a major hurdle in online shopping – the inability to physically interact with the product. By integrating AR into your app, you’re not just selling products but creating a truly immersive and interactive shopping experience that sets you apart from the competition.

14. Subscription management made easy

Subscriptions are a powerful revenue model for many businesses, and a mobile app can streamline the subscription management process for both you and your customers.

Imagine offering flexible subscription options within the app, allowing customers to easily sign up, manage their plans, and even swap products with a few taps.  Additionally, the app can send automatic renewal reminders, ensuring uninterrupted service and recurring revenue for your business.

By simplifying subscription management within your app, you’re not just offering a convenient service, you’re fostering long-term customer relationships and building brand loyalty.

15. App Clip Integration

App Clips, introduced by Apple in iOS 14.5, offer a fantastic way to introduce new customers to your app without requiring a full download. Imagine potential customers scanning a QR code or tapping an NFC tag with their iPhone, allowing them to access specific product pages, promotions, or even loyalty program benefits within a lightweight version of your app.

This low-barrier entry point piques customer interest and allows them to experience the value of your app before committing to a full download. By leveraging App Clips strategically, you’re expanding your app’s reach and attracting a wider audience to your brand.

Turn your Shopify store into mobile app with Plan My Apps

Plan My Apps - Shopify Mobile App Builder

Plan My Apps specializes in crafting custom mobile apps specifically designed to meet your brand’s unique needs.

Here’s why Plan My Apps is the perfect partner to transform your Shopify store into a mobile app:

  • Expert app development:  Our team of experienced developers takes the reins, crafting a high-performance app. You don’t need coding knowledge – we handle the technical side, so you can focus on running your business.
  • Features tailored to your vision:  Push notifications, in-app chat, integrations – you name it. We work closely with you to identify the features that most benefit your brand and customers.  There’s no one-size-fits-all approach – your app will be a unique reflection of your brand identity and marketing goals.
  • AI powered product recommendation: Our AI product recommendation leverages customer purchase history, browsing behavior, and even real-time trends to suggest relevant products with pinpoint accuracy.
  • Seamless Shopify integration:  Say goodbye to data headaches. Our platform connects flawlessly with your Shopify store, ensuring real-time synchronization of product information, inventory levels, and customer data. This streamlined integration keeps your app and store in perfect harmony.
  • App store optimization for maximum visibility:  Getting your app discovered is just as important as building it. Our team utilizes expert app store optimization strategies to ensure your app reaches the right audience and climbs the ranks in search results.
  • Ongoing support for continued success:  We don’t just launch your app and disappear. Plan My Apps offers ongoing support, helping you navigate app analytics, troubleshoot issues, and refine your app based on user behavior. Your success is our success.

Plan My Apps doesn’t just build apps – we build mobile powerhouses.  With our expertise and dedication, your Shopify store will have the mobile app it deserves – an app that drives sales, fosters brand loyalty, and positions you as a leader in the ever-evolving mobile shopping landscape.

Ready to unlock the mobile potential of your Shopify store? Contact Plan My Apps today for a free consultation and see how we can turn your vision into a reality.


The mobile shopping revolution is here to stay.  Consumers are increasingly turning to their phones to browse, compare, and ultimately purchase products.  Don’t get left behind by your competitors.  By taking the leap and creating a mobile app for your Shopify store, you’re positioning yourself as a leader in the e-commerce space.  Embrace the mobile revolution, cater to the evolving shopping habits of your customers, and watch your sales soar to new heights!

Starting an online business may be intimidating if you are a first-time entrepreneur. However, fret not; we have listed everything you need to sell t-shirts successfully.


Frequently Asked Questions

The official Shopify app is designed for shop owners to manage their stores, not for customers. It allows you to process orders, track sales, update product listings, and manage marketing campaigns – all on your phone.

Yes! There are two main options:


  1. DIY app builders: These offer pre-built templates to create a basic app but may require some technical knowledge and might lack advanced features.
  2. Custom app development: This is where Plan My Apps comes in. We create a bespoke mobile app tailored to your brand’s specific needs and functionalities.

Contact Plan My Apps: We handle the entire development process, creating a feature-rich app that seamlessly integrates with your Shopify store.

Plan My Apps offers custom pricing based on the features and functionalities you need in your app. You can check out our pricing here.

Plan My Apps specializes in crafting custom mobile apps for Shopify stores. We have the expertise to translate your brand vision into a powerful mobile app that drives sales and customer engagement.

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